<p><b>I:How to register</b></p>
Go to this link http://www.ptc.ucoz.net/index/3
Fill out everything completely.
Confirm your email.
IA:Logging In
To log in,press UID Login
Enter your email and password.
It'll log you in.You're logged in.
1B:Getting a signature,changing avatar,password,etc
Go to forums>members or a forum post and click on your name there.
You'll get a pop up.
Press edit user's details.
1C:Signing off
In the top black bar,press general and press logoff.
II:Getting promoted in a group rank
IIA:Advanced Member - Be active in the community
IIB:Mod - Be super active in the community,report a lot.
IIC:Super Mod - Be a good Mod.
IID:Admin - Become the best of the rest.
IIE:Forum Ranks
You must achieve a required amount of posts to be automatically promoted.There's nothing special,but it feels good.
- Become an approved member
- Make the owner laugh in the joke section
- Become a moderator
- Change your name(You only get once so we give you this so we know)
- Become a super moderator
- Become an administrator
- Join our clan "trolling"